Tuesday, October 16, 2012


So some of you may know I am taking a sewing class this semester. Well, tomorrow our 2nd project is due and I am very proud of my work. I really do feel accomplished!! Our first project was a pillowcase...

This was my finished product!!! Like I said, so proud! And I got an A. That is just the icing on the cake! Within the last week I stated and finished my next project--pajama pants!! I decided to go with a Christmas theme and know that I have made my first pair I am going to make Robbie a matching pair! We will be so cute hahaha

 Here they are! Then fit and everything, in fact, I am wearing them right now!! Next we make a button-down, collared blouse. Should be interesting!  Tomorrow I make doughnuts in my baking class! I am so excited for that!! YUM!! I will keep you updated!

That's all for now! :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Today was a Win!!

So I took my practical midterm today.....and it went great!!

I don't know what my grade is, but my teacher seemed to like my french bread and I saw him circle a lot of tens!! Yay!! I'll try to get a picture before Robbie eats it all :)

Oh and speaking of Robbie!! He got back his first Microbiology test today! He is so smart! He got an.....A!!   Woo Robbie!!! A 97.5% to be exact!! :) He is the best, I really am so proud of him, he studies so much! He  has a great future ahead of him...as long as he doesn't get clogged arteries  and gain a 100 pounds from all my awesome french bread!!! :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Welcome Back to Reality :)

Hey everyone!!

I know it has been a really long time since my last post and I have been thinking about posting for awhile now, but there is always a reason not to. Like, it has been to log I will have to write so much or we just saw everyone this summer and they know about everything that is going on and the list goes on, but here I am doing it, your welcome.

So I can't believe it is almost midterms already. This week is week 5 of 12 weeks. Six is technically midterms, but I already have one tomorrow!! I know I should be studying, but look I found a way to put it off a little longer. I am taking 16 credits this semester and three of my classes have three hour labs so needless to say it has been crazy! Robbie has been an amazing help lately with making dinners and helping keep the house clean. As always Robbie is amazing! Plus you know crock pots are a gift from heaven! I love my crock pot so much! If anyone has any good crock pot recipes, let me know please! My classes have been a lot of fun despite the lack of me time. I have my first midterm tomorrow and I am so nervous, ugh and then another on Thursday. Wish me luck! However, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I graduate in July! I will get the dates for you all!

Robbie loves his classes. He says they are hard, but he really seems into them. He always has something fun that he learned in class to share and it is usually gross. He doesn't seem to love Organic Chem. That is probably the class he likes the least, but studies for the most. Once in a while I will help with flash cards or something. He seems very happy especially with Microbiology, which is good right since that's his major :)

Last weekend we went to Utah, not for general conference (we didn't have tickets), but for Robbie's mission reunion! We were both pretty excited! I spent all day Friday cleaning the house and the car and packing us both and we hit the road with 3 other people we didn't know, but carpooled with from the school bulletin board for help with gas money. By the time we go into Utah the traffic was crazy due to 3 accidents and we didn't end up in Provo until the reunion was over :/ lame. On the brightside Robbie and I hung out together all day Saturday and really had a great time joking around and being silly. We went to a free Jazz game in the afternoon which was cool :)  That night Robbie took me to Maddox in Brigham City which was delicious even though they were out of Prime Rib. lame. We were so full and tired after there was no way we could drive the two hours home so we stopped for the night at a Howard Johnson, but no one told me that this a chain motel that is known to be sketchy and dumpy--whatever it was cheap! It certainly was an adventure and we had a great weekend. Conference was great!

We love and miss you all!!