Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 16 update

So this week I have slacked a little. I don't have a picture. I figured since I will be 17 weeks in 2 days I will just wait u ntil then for my next bump picture. I'm just doing a quick update of what my week was like.

How far along: 16 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain:  I'm still down a half a pound from my pre-pregnancy weight. My weight has been fluctuating back and forth 2 pounds so we'll see when it finally sticks.
Stretch marks? none yet 
Sleep: I am still sleeping quite well. However, I can't sleep on my back anymore and I wake up at least once to go the bathroom. Overall not bad.
Best moment this week: Robbie younger brother Tyler got married this week to his new wife Ashley. They are so adorable and their wedding was beautiful! We were so lucky to be there to see them be sealed in the Boise, Idaho temple!! I am so happy for them and their new life together! It really takes me back to when Robbie and I were married more than 2.5 years ago!
Miss anything: I am so missing sushi :(
Movement: I think I may have felt something the other day, but I don't know really...we'll see if I feel it again. I just want to feel this baby already, I know its early, most first time moms don't feel the baby until 18 weeks, so i'm trying to relax.
Food cravings: Salad, oranges, greek olives, cranberry everything, stuffing (good thing this week is thanksgiving!), Cherry Slushi from the movies haha, 
Anything making you sick? nothing special, just random weird smells, and not eating 
Gender: We will know soon!!
Labor signs: none yet
Symptoms: Nausea is back...yay, back pain, but that could be from the way I sleep, my belly is growing..sometimes of the day I actually look pregnant instead of just fat, pregnancy brain is setting in...seriously I think I've gone crazy haha, I am still breaking glowy skin here
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Again I've been moody, but a different kind of moody this week. I have been really worrying about my little baby and it has really started to hit me that my life is going to change forever. Its almost like it has started to hit me that I'm pregnant and I'm going to be a mother and for the rest of my life I am going to be worried about this baby. It hit me a couple of days ago that this baby will be here in less than 6 monthes and we are not even a little ready! I am starting to be really scared for the future! Don't get me wrong I love this baby so much and want it more than anything, but I am scared out of my mind to be in charge and responsible for someone else's life!! I am really starting to sound like a mom and that freaks me out!
Looking forward to: Seeing our little baby in less than a week!!!!!! At which time we will fing out gender!!!!!!! Then I can stop calling it an it haha and I can buy some cute little clothes!!!!! 

This week the baby is the size of an avacado and/or the size of my palm. 4.6 in long and on average weighs about 3.5 oz. The baby has also started to hear!! Look at that baby grow ;-) 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Week 15 Bump Update

How far along: 15 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain:  1lb which is pretty good since I lost 3 lbs when I was sick!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: no complaints unless I sleep on my back.
Best moment this week: noting exciting happened with the baby this week, but last Monday Robbie brother came home from his mission! It's been so great to see him!
Miss anything: being able to skip breakfast 
Movement: nothing yet, but I'm paying really close attention!
Food cravings: lasagna, pickles, dark soda (mostly diet coke and dr pepper), oranges, chocolate cake, salad
Anything making you sick? Eating too much or not enough haha, brushing my teeth, riding in the car
Gender: lately I've been hoping for a girl. I was n the baby section at target and I just love all the adorable dresses they have for baby girls!! Although they do have cute clothes of boys too lol
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: I've started to feel really good the past few weeks. 
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody! I've got mood swing like crazy haha
Looking forward to: Feeling some movement! Also we get to find out the gender on December 2nd!!


So we've got some great news!! If you haven't heard yet...I'm pregnant!!
We are so excited to start a family!! Today I am 14 weeks, due May 8, 2014. I am already in my second trimester...I can't believe I am already 1/3 through my pregnancy!!

I have had 2 ultrasounds already, check it out:

This ultrasound was at 11 weeks

And this one was at 7 weeks

That's all for now. I do plan on doing regular updates on my pregnancy and on our day to day lives!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

14 weeks

I am now 14 weeks with my first baby! We are so excited!! I have decided that I want to keep track of things during my pregnancy and I will be using my blog to do if your interested you can read it too!

I'm getting off to a late start, but better later than never.....

How far along: 14 weeks
Total weight gain: 1.5lbs
Stretch marks? None yet, but I haven't really grown much yet. If anyone knows of an anti-stretch mark treatment they like, let me know!
Sleep: I'm actually sleeping really well. I rarely wake up in the middle of the night to pee anymore. I've heard that I get to enjoy that for like a week haha
Best moment this week: I had my first prenatal massage...oh that was awesome haha also Robbie celebrated his 25th birthday this week!!! Woo hoo!!
Miss anything: I am dying for some sushi and when I made Robbie's cake I really wanted to lick the batter off the spoon :( I miss my raw food haha
Movement: No. I have been paying close attention because I've heard that sometimes you can feel it this early...someone said to lay on your stomach, well its not working haha I am dying to feel my baby move lol
Food cravings: Anything Italian...I giant bowl of spaghetti and meatballs sounds FANTASTIC!! Its the only way I will touch meat with a 10 foot pole! Also last night I had a pickle and I didn't realize how awesome they I just kept eating them haha
Anything making you sick? Apparently walking into Paradise Bakery haha I went there for lunch with Robbie and as soon as I walked in I had to go stright the bathroom to puke...I feel bad for the lady in the stall next to me...sorry
Gender: Basically everyone thinks its a boy. Robbie's had 2 dreams about it being a boy. Me? I don't really care. Girl names are kind of easier for us. We just made our appointment for December 2nd to find out the gender!!!
Labor signs: Nope.
Symptoms: I've had all the normal sympotoms..but now things seems to be calming down, finally! I feel pretty good except for the occasional sickness. Also I seem to have some hip pain and also some general aching.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody, but I've always been moody ;-)
Looking forward to: Doing things again!