Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Letter to My Daughter

To the Sweetest Little Girl:

I have been wanting to write this for a while and I probably won't get to finish this right now because I can hear you through the baby monitor waking up and I didn't get in the shower like I promised myself I would. I guess we may not be going to the store like I planned, but I decided this was more important. You are almost ten months old. We have spent a year and a half together. I have toted you around everywhere I have gone, except for one girls night a few dates with your dad. For the first ten months you really did go everywhere and in ways that was easier because you were safe inside me, I didn't have to worry that you would miss me or that you would get hurt trying to stand all by yourself. In there if you purposefully whacked your head on a door it didn't hurt everything was mushy and soft. That's not how it is out here. You climb into fireplaces and you hit your head against walls and fall out of highchairs and strollers and you make me scared all the time. But you want to know something funny? When I was pregnant with you, I was scared all the time. I was scared that my body wasn't good enough, that I was going to lose you, that I wouldn't be a good mom when you got here. And now you're hear and I can hear you laughing in your crib and I am reminded how much you love me, but I am still scared all the time.

I want to start by letting you now how loved you are. Your dad and I love you so much. I want you to know that I know you are destined for great things. You are amazing and so incredibly sweet. I can't believe how fast you're growing, before I know it you'll be having babies of your own. Try not grow up too fast, because one day you'll wish you could take nap and play with toys instead of doing dishes, picking up toys, and paying bills. You have a great and exciting life ahead of you and I can't wait for you to live it! One day you'll get to be bossy big sister, the pretend princess, and the thrower of tea parties. You'll get to teach your little brothers and sister how to everything because you'll do it first. You will blossom into a beautiful young girl and you'll be begging me to let you wear makeup and high heels, but give your mom a break, because even though you'll be ready for those things, I'll be having a panic attack that your so grown up. Be patient, you will have plenty of years to wear makeup and dread those heels.

Then a little further down the road you'll meet a boy and you will think you're in love. Everything will be so exciting, but slow down, baby girl. Trust me, I've been there. He is sweet and nice and thinks you're amazing (which you totally are) but be careful sweetie, I know you are a lover like I am, but be careful with your heart, don't give it to just anyone. Slow down and ask yourself if he is the right kind of boy or if you just like him because he's cute and is interested in you. It is alright to hold out for a good one. Your teenage years might be rough, mine were, you might having a fighting spirit like your mom and a temper like your mom, but try to have a little of your dads levelheadedness and try to walk away when you get mad like he does. Know that I love you and I want to be your best friend, but sometimes I will have to be the bad guy, but know that I am doing it out of love, I'm trying to do whats best for you. I will make mistakes and do the wrong thing a lot, but I love you and I'm trying. So even though those years are tough, I know you'll grow up right. Let church be a part of that. Go to Young Women's because when you have a hard time with me you can find friends there and they will help you grow up right too.Read the Book of Mormon while you are a teenager, and pray about it. Do this while you're young because it gets harder as you get older. Prepare yourself for a mission even if you don't think you'll go on one. It will help you even if you don't go. Know that even if you make mistake you can always be forgiven and you can always talk to me, I will not judge you or be ashamed of you, because I have probably made the same mistake. I will help you, I promise.

Then, one day, further down your journey, you'll will move out and move on to bigger and better things. I will cry, just know that and be ready for it, and even if you can't wait to get away from me, you will feel sad too even if you don't cry. I will be so happy for you and so proud of you. I will live through you and your exciting adventures-whatever they may be! Just make you call home and send pictures. Just remember when you think that your mom is lame and never did anything cool like you that you were my biggest adventure and I loved every minute. Then, a few year later you introduce everyone to a man (not a boy) who you are so in love with and we will all see it in your face. We will be overjoyed when he proposes to you! We will be excited for your future and for the fun time in your life that you are about to experience. The newlyweds days are the best and some of the hardest. But first we will be excited for the wedding, especially me because I LOVE weddings, this one I will love the most because it's yours! I will cry, oh how I will cry, and we will laugh and hug and it will be amazing! Try not to stress, because the details are not important, what is important is that you and your man are committing yourselves to each other forever. Your love is the important thing, and your going to need to remember this day because you're going to have days that suck and you need to remember the love that you feel today. So smile, really smile and be happy today because you have made the right choice. So "Choose your love and then love your choice".

Those newlywed days will be a struggle, but they are the best kind of struggle. You'll probably be poor. One Bishop told your dad and I when we were newlyweds to enjoy this time because were the richest we'll ever be! We thought he was crazy and then we started having kids and real bills started coming and we realized the truth in that statement! So enjoy your newlywed days no matter how short they are. Real love is made when the wedding is over and people stop watching and the trials come. Real love happens when you see the worst in each other and continue to love anyway. Remember that you two can overcome anything if you are willing to put in the work. Learn how to love from other amazing couples. I like to look at the prophets and their wives, but there might be a couple in your ward that you can aim to be like. Give yourself some time to find your footing as a couple before you start having babies, because it will change everything, but don't be afraid of that change. Remember that women because mommies the minute they get that positive pregnancy test and men become daddies the minute the baby is born. Be patient with your husband, this will be a stressful time for him too. but in a different way then you. You will feel inadequate and nervous about the baby's arrival, and he will be worried about money and providing for your little baby. Try to see him and understand him. Remember when that baby is born and placed on your chest we all feel different things some of us cry for fear or happiness and some of us are shocked that its finally here the moment you've been waiting for. And I will be there for you in whatever way you need or want me to be.

When drive home from the hospital your husband will probably drive really slow. Don't get mad at him, remember that he is afraid to drive fast because he has precious cargo. I know there will be days where you don't get dressed and you don't shower and that is totally normal. I know you will feel like you are going totally crazy and that is totally normal, but you will love your baby more than you have ever loved anything before. You will be so scared and worried all the time, welcome to motherhood. Let me help you, I will not judge you ever, I promise. Call me, your mommy still wants to be apart of your crazy, hectic life and she still loves you so much.

Then, one day much further down the road, I will leave you and you'll have to brave this crazy world without me. Remember how much love I have for everyone-especially you, your daddy, your brothers and sister, and your children. Remember, sweetie that you were an angel in my life. You made your mommy want to be and do better and you were her greatest adventure. I loved every moment with you, from holding you down and wiping your bum, to 2am feedings, to those gorgeous smiles, to fight with you as a teenager, to watching you grow into a beautiful woman.

With all the love in the world,


Friday, February 13, 2015

Welcome Back

I haven't blogged since Macy was born practically. I have been busy, and I don't think anyone actually looks at my blog anyway so what's the point? That's what I've been asking myself. I'm never going to be a big blogger who has 10,000 people look at each one of her inspiring blog posts, but today I don't care if anyone reads this. At church they tell us that we should keep a journal, and maybe that's what this is, maybe this will be my place I go so I don't tear my husbands head off on a daily basis. This is where I can be dramatic and slightly philosophical. You know when you open some really old journal that someone kept a hundred years ago and you read all their darkest fear and biggest dreams and every other tiny thing they had to say, how did it not bother them that no one would ever see that, except that you're reading it so that's someone, right? Do you know know what I mean? Maybe you don't haha. Well one dream I have that I have never shared before is this: I want to write something, something that will be seen and read and loved, and I want it to inspire someone or at least evoke some emotions that will make them sit there when they are finished reading. They sit there because they don't know what to do next. I don't know what, maybe a novel or a short story, I don't know what, but I just want to make other people feel, feel the way other have made me after reading something moving.

Maybe my children will read this someday. Maybe I'll have passed on, and they will find my blog or a printed version of it and they will learn something new about their mommy. They'll realize that I wasn't just the lady who kissed their boo-boos and made them breakfast, and rocked them to sleep at night. I was a person who loved to make others feel.

Well now that this had turned slightly depressing, I just want to say that writing or typing makes me feel whole. Whole in a way that only the best things in life bring. And that's it.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Macy's Birth Story

She's here! Our beautiful baby girl, Macy, is here. Her arrival was somewhat unexpected. She surpirsed us, but it was definitely a pleasent surprise! Macy Katherine Bagley was born on Friday April 25, 2014 at 11:27pm weighing 6lbs 8oz and was 20 inches long. She is so perfect and we are so in love with her. 

I had my last doctors appointment Tuesday the 22nd. I was 3cm dialated and 75% effaced. My doctor said that I could go into labor at anytime, but I was not expecting that to actually happen. I was 38 weeks on Thursday the 24th (sorry for missing my last weekly update, to say things were crazy would be an understatement). 

Note: this birth story may include too much information, if you are in anyway squimish or really don't want to know about the workings or fluids of my lady parts you might want to skip the long story and revert to the short and sweet story.

Long Story:

Thurday and Friday I noticed a difference in vaginal discharge, at first I was worried and thought that I be leaking amniotic fluid. So i did a little research online and came to the conclusion that I was fine and it was just a change in cervical fluid. Later Friday afternoon I was alking on the phone with my mom and she got me thinking again. So I tried to call my doctor, but my doctor's office closes early on afridays, so then I called Labor and Delivery and spoke to the doctor on-call. The doctor told me it was impossible to tell if I was leaking fluid unless I came in to the hospital. I decided that I needed to go in. I called Robbie, we grabbed our bags, just in case because it's almost an hour drive from our house to the hospital, and headed to the hospital. Little did we know, we would actually need those bags. So we got to the hospital and I wasn't admitted, I was taken to the triage room where I was assesed. First i was hooked up to a fetal heart-rate monitor and a contraction monitior. The baby was doing great, no problems there and I wasn't having any contractions. The doctor came in and ran few tests and checked me all out. He told me that from what He could tell visually my bag of waters was still intact, He could see it bulging just below the baby's head which he could see with his own eyes! Crazy! Anyway, he took a sample of the fluid and told Robbie and I that He would look at it under a mircoscope to determine what the fluid was. The doctor explained it very well, but I conveniently to not remember a thing. Something to do with the the amniotic fluid cells looking differently than the cell of vaginal fluid or something like that. So Robbie and I were sitting in our little make shift room and we had just deciding that it was nothing and that we were going home, in fact we were talking about where we were going to go to dinner when the nurse came in and told us the test was positive. I had a tear in my amniotic sac and we were going to be admitted and moved to a labor and delivery room. we were completly shocked! 

So the two shocked completly freaking out parents-to-be were moved and the nurse started asking me all these questions and Robie started making phone calls to everyone. It was just so sudden and surreal, maybe it was because I didn't feel like I was in labor. Sure I was 4cm dialated & 75% effaced, but it just didn't feel real and I wasn't quite sure I was ready. So I sucked it up and Robbie and I started walking the halls to see if we could get labor started. The plan was to finish breaking my water and if labor didn't start after that, then they would start me on Pitocin. At 8 o'Clock the doctor came in and broke my water. In the hour since I was admitted I had dialated another cm bringing me up to a 5. So my water was broken and it felt like exactly how everyone always discribes it--like I was peeing myself, but you know what, it wasn't all that uncomfortable and it almost felt relieving, maybe I did pee myself haha After my water was broken painful contractions started almost immediatly. Before my water broken I had begun to have contractions, but I didn't feel them or at least they didn't feel like what I thought they should feel like. The contractions before my water broke were 5 minutes apart and after my water broken they were 2 minutes apart and started hurting. They progressed and my 9 or 10 o'clock  was dialated to a 7 and I was really tired. I hadn't slept well the night before and that was usually the time I went to bed anyway. I decided that I wanted an epidural. I was prepped and given the epidural, and lucky for me I was going through transition while the giant needle was being put in my back and I had to stay completly still. Now that is difficult! No one ever should have to sit completly still through tranistion contractions. That I think was the hardest part of the entire labor and delivery. Honestly, I probably could have done it whith the epidural since the medication didn't start working until I was dialated 9cm, but I needed the break, even if the break was only for an hour before I started pushing. I ended up having to have an episiotomy which I really wanted to avoid, but the doctor who delivery highly recommended that I have one and I was in a lot of pain and really ready to be done so I just told him to do whatever he thought was right. It was good that I had the epidural so I was already numbed for the episiotomy and didn't have to wait for a local anesthetic, but for those who have never had never had an epidural, you are still in a lot of pain even with an epidural. An epidural is not in anyway the "easy way" out of labor. It still hurts like nobody's business. You still feel it all, I would say it is just slightly dulled. I could feel every contraction, all the burning of crowning and a little snippy feeling with the episiotomy, and every stitch. Sure, I would have felt a lot more without my epidural, but I am happy I got it and I have no regrets. So I started practice pushing (don't ask me the difference between practice pushing and real pushing because I literally did the exact same thing) at 11 o'clock and Macy was born at 11:27pm. She was perfect and we were instantly in love with her. All the doctors and nurses said she had the cutest cry they had ever heard. Robbie was great through the whole thing. Before labor asked him not to talk to me during my contractions and he said later that he was glad I had told him that early on. I just really didn't want to bite his head off, but I didn't I actually was really nice during labor (I think) except with the anesthesiologist was trying to make cit-chat while giving me the epidural I may have been rude by not talking back. It was just that everyone in the room was all cheery and laughing and I was hanging out in the bed in severe pain waiting for my drugs. Anyway, Robbie was great, he was encourging, but not too much and loving, but not too much haha. 

Short and Sweet story:
I went to the hospital to be checked because I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid, turns out I was. My water was broken at 8pm and Macy was delivered at 11:27pm. She was so perfect!

When they handed me my perfect little girl and she instantly stopped crying, I knew my life would never be the same. It amazed me that this little person had come out of me and that I had made her out of nothing. I have never felt closer to my husband and to my Father in Heaven who blessed us with this beautiful little girl and trusts us with such a precious little soul. It is still crazy that I am a mother and some days it just feels unreal, but I have this beautiful little girl and it is real! She amazes me every day with how perfect, beautiful, smart, and sweet she is. She makes the funniest faces and I've been trying to get pictures of them, but sometimes it is just more fun to enjoy them them run to get the camera to document them! My sweet little Macy was worth all the pain, the stretch marks, the back aches, the worries, the neasea and puking and every little thing I went through during this pregnancy. If I had to I would do it all over again just for her.   

Here are a few pictures of her from the hospital and from the last week and half!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Week 37 update...Full term!!

Whoa, I'm full term today! That means less then 3 weeks until my due date, not to mention the fact that she could come anytime before that! It's so crazy! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time!! I went a little crazy with pictures this week haha but you'll get the picture (haha pun intended) of hugeness. Robbie actually said to me today "wow, you're huge!" haha and I wasn't even offended because it's so true! I was just like "Yeah, I know, you haven't noticed?"

"Holy crap I'm huge" the exact thought running through my head as I took this picture. 
My attempt at the belly selfie. These picture do not do the belly justice. Either that or I feel way bigger than I am.

My angle. The feet have been gone for awhile lol

How far along: 37 weeks or 259
Total weight gain: I tried really hard not too look at my last doctors appointment, but I did. Total weight gain of 34 lbs. EEk! I should probably slow down on the cupcakes lol 
Stretch marks? I think I saw some (new) faint ones coming in on the bottom of my belly, but lets be honest, its really hard to see down there and what can I do about it? Nothing. Thanks Mom for the great genetics. 
SleepActually, I've been sleep really well. Maybe I've just been really tired, but the last two nights I haven't even woke up to go the bathroom at night. 
Maternity Clothes: I am completely out of anything that isn't maternity or is actually my size. I've been wearing some sweats I got a few sizes too big and I love them. hat sounds so bad lol My belly hangs out of all my old T-shirts, they are impossible to wear and my yoga pants (and even maternity jeans) have gotten really tight through my butt and hips and are not comfortable to wear at all and comfort is basically what I go for these days. Also side note not about clothes, but I have not been able to stand to wear my hair down this past week, maybe its gotten warmer and I'm crankier, but I just can't do it.  
Best moment this week: We moved! It was actually really sad to leave our place in Rexburg we've been living for over two years. We have so many memories in that place, but now we're on a new adventure living in Chesterfield. It's so fun to have a real house. We're living in a place temporarily right now until our more permanent house is move-in ready. We will be here for probably two-ish months until after the baby is born and we're ready to move again lol I am so excited for the new memories that we will have here in Chesterfield and I never want to move nine months pregnant again! Luckily, we had lots of help with everything from packing to moving furniture and boxes and cleaning our old place up. I am especially grateful for all the help and I know Robbie is grateful he didn't have to do everything by himself! So thank you to everyone who helped us!

Also, I had a beautiful baby shower that my mother-in-law and sister-in-laws threw for me! It was so fun and gorgeous! I got some amazing gifts from my awesome family and friends! I am so blessed to have all of you! Thank you to Sh'Ree, Celeste, Chrissy and everyone who came and it made it a special day! I know there were a few people who weren't able to be there and you were missed, but thank you the gifts!

Also, Robbie graduated this past week! I am so proud of him! It was so fun to watch him get his 15 minutes of fame and to be proud of himself! He is very modest and rarely gives himself any credit, but for a minute last Friday when he walked across the stage I saw a glimmer of pride and true happiness, and it was so great to see that in him for once :) He's awesome!
Movement: Okay, back to baby lol Her movement has slowed down some, but she's still doing well. I had a non-stress test a few weeks ago (this is basically where the hook you up to a fetal heart rate monitor and contraction monitor and observe her fluctuation and such for  30 minutes) and everything looks great. She has great fluctuation lol. She has been getting the hiccups a few times a day still and I love feeling her wiggle and squirm. 
Anything making you sick? Nope
Cravings: Cupcakes, big time lol and also greasy foods like corn dogs and burritos. Last night I had a sudden craving for buffalo wing sauce, luckily we had some and I finished it lol
Labor signs: At my last doctors appointment I found out I am 2 cm dilated and 75% effaced. My doctor said I could have this girl any day and that I probably won't make it to my due date! AHH!!
Symptoms: Fatigue, but oddly nesting too. I think that has a ton to do with the move. Stretch marks. Back aches at night. swelling. Braxton Hicks. Lightening (she finally dropped and I can breathe).
Wedding rings on or off? They were off for almost the whole week. i just barely put them back on. Last weekend I had a TON of swelling! I almost took a picture, it was actually comical how huge they were Friday, but I thought I would get another chance and didn't sorry. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been really happy this week! I was a little crazy Tuesday after my doctor told me she could come at anytime. I was freaking out because we hadn't even finshed moving in yet, but now I'm all settled and I'm happy and excited for her to come. Let's be real this is my kid were talking about she isn't going to come when its convenient for anyone lol sorry mom. 
Looking forward to: Meeting this little girl! It's all I can think about. I figure, I like myself and I think Robbie pretty awesome so just imagine how cool our baby will be haha I'm kidding, but I'm really, really excited to see her, and hold her, and get to know her!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Week 35

I was 35 weeks on April 3rd. These pictures were taken then. It's been crazy two weeks since then. I will tell you all about it on my new post tomorrow. For now enjoy my model shots haha

Friday, March 28, 2014

Bump progression

14 weeks, 24 weeks, and 34 weeks

Thanks pic-stitch for this picture haha I can't believe how skinny I once was AND I was 14 weeks pregnant!! Its all worth it though! I just keep reminding myself that there is a 5-pound human being inside that belly it has to be huge and I will get rid of the (bigger) love handles! Why is it so hard to watch the that number on the scale get higher even when I know I have to gain weight?! I'm making a baby, weight gain is good!

Week 34 update

How far along: 34 weeks and 1 day
Total weight gain: 23 lbs total. At my appointment Tuesday, I had dropped 5 lbs going from 28 to 23 lbs total! Oops lol 
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Not too bad. I wake up like clock work everynight at 2am to pee and then again at like 5am but I always try to skip that one and go back sleep. Baby girl has this new thing where she starts kicking as soon as I roll over on my side to sleep. I can just imagine her freaking out because I'm squishing her lol It makes it kind of hard to sleep when you picture yourself squashing your child. 
Maternity Clothes: I basically live in leggings and yoga pants. I try to wear my maternity jeans, but I just dislike them so much haha I still can wear some of my really stretchy non-maternity shirts, but they are starting to look funny. I really like to wear shirts that are tight around my bump, I like the support of the tight shirts, it's like they hold my belly better. I've been think of maybe getting a belly support thing, she is just so low I feel like she's falling out and plus my back is killing me. 
Best moment this week: I had a doctor's appointment this week, I didn't actually see my doctor because she is out of town, but I saw a nurse practitioner and she had a student with her which was actually really fun because the student did all the stuff on my belly and they spent more time then the 2 seconds my doctor does it in. It was fun to be part of the learning process for the student and I got to learn a little more about my baby, who is head down and measuring exactly on target to the day (I knew she was perfect lol).
Movement: She has had tons of hiccups lately! I can feel her stretch inside me now. This morning she was whacking me on both sides of my belly lol So either she was doing the splits or stretching lol
Anything making you sick? Not really. I do feel sick to my stomach if I go to long without anything to eat.
Cravings: I've been eating a lot of tuna sandwiches lol I've been trying to only have a couple each week because I know your supposed to limit your canned tuna intake while your pregnant, but I can't help it, there so good! Also, I have LOVED Mexican food and I'm including Taco Bell which I know isn't real Mexican food, but I don't care lol Anything spicy, I loved (even more than before I was pregnant which is a lot lol) I literally poured hot sauce on a spoon and drank it the other day...I know, It's gross, but it was so good haha
Labor signs: I've had a couple Braxton Hicks and lots of pressure.
Symptomsback pain if I sit too long or in without a pillow behind me, leg cramps at night, hip pain, I literally pee every 5 minutes (it's not even funny), zero leg hair (which is great because I cannot see or reach my legs to shave them), and once in awhile i'll get heartburn (but not often), oh and lots of fatigue. 
Belly button in or outStill in, but less of a circle and more of a line lol
Wedding rings on or off? On 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both lol I go from happy to moody in about 5 seconds or less...especially if I'm tired, sorry Robbie :(
Looking forward to: Packing my hospital bag this next week or so. I've been doing research on what to pack for probably a week now lol I had Jess send me her list of what she took/revisions since having Riley and let me tell you, its the best I've seen. Some women get a little crazy with their lists. I'm ready to be done with this hospital bag thing lol

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Week 32 Update

Alright, I am all caught up now....mostly haha Today I am 32 weeks and I have less than two months until my due date....AHHHH!!! I am so excited and anxious, but still feeling like I could wait, if that makes any sense lol

So no bump picture for right now I have been super sick for the last two day that included a trip to Labor and Delivery for fluids (so much fun...not)  and therefore no picture yet, but I will get one up soon!

So here's what happened leading up to the hospital trip in case you just read that and freaked out. I woke up Tuesday morning not feeling so great and feeling pretty nauseous by the time I got out of the shower, but I honestly thought I was just nervous for our check-up on baby girl's kidneys (why I didn't think about Jessica being sick the day before when I was home, don't ask me. She basically went through the same thing I did, but had a baby to take care of). So the first time I got sick was around 7:30 and I didn't think of it again. We had our ultrasound at 8am and baby is perfect, but I didn't feel any better. At around 8:50 before my doctor's appointment I got massively sick in the doctor's bathroom...lovely and the nurse could hear me. She felt bad for me and I felt bad that that was how she got to start her day. I had my appointment, talked about the sick thing with my doctor and she told me take it easy and to stay hydrated. They gave me a super cool barf bag for the road and I was on my way. An hour from the last time I was sick, I threw up again. That barf bag came in handy. From that point on I was puking every 30-45 minutes. Robbie basically carried me upstairs and put me into bed and had to go to school. He ended up skipping work because he was really worried about me. I was worried too. This had literally been going on for 8 hours. I would sleep, wake up, puke, recover, go back to sleep. This was happening every 30 minutes and forget about water, that only made it worse. So right about 4 I took a zofran hoping that would help with the nausea and it did a little, but I called my doctor anyway. The nurse said if I hadn't gone to the bathroom in 8 hours or more I should go to labor and delivery for fluids. So we waited a little because I hadn't been sick in about an hour and I thought I was getting better. So I started drinking more water and then I got sick again, so we decided it was time to go around 6:30. We got there and everyone was really nice. I had to answer a billion questions and then they gave me the good stuff haha it was really just fluids and a nausea medicine that put me to sleep. We got home around 10 and I passed out...Sort of. I woke up a lot because I was thirsty. The next day I felt a lot better, but I was really sore from throwing up and not totally hydrated again. My urine was really dark, but I was going the bathroom and that was good. Luckily, our baby girl handled everything really well and was a trooper, according the the nurse at the hospital. Today, I feel much more like myself and I think I'm mostly recovered, thank goodness! That was my adventure this week! Sorry for the long story!

But I do have a baby picture!

It's kinda hard to tell, but this is a profile picture of our baby girl! She is getting quite large (look at her fill up that whole sonogram picture) Robbie had a hard time seeing her in this picture so don't feel bad if do too. I wasn't well hydrated. I had already started throwing up. 

How far along: 32 weeks
Total weight gain: 28 lbs as of 3/11/14 however I suspect I have lost weight since then due to the excessive puking thing.
Stretch marks? I found some :( they aren't too bad, but i'm trying hard to keep more from popping up.
SleepNot all that fun to be honest lol I wake up a lot to change positions or dying of thirst or to go the bathroom.  
Best moment this week: Definitely either my baby shower or seeing my baby girl! We had a pretty late ultrasound due to some swollen kidneys at my last ultrasound, so they needed to be re-checked. In the words of the ultrasound tech "Your baby is perfect, she needs those lungs to develop a little ore and then she is ready for this world!" And yes she is still a girl. Third ultrasound and third different tech has found her girly parts. 
Movement: Tons still! 
Anything making you sick? Too much baby kicking and not enough food, and the stomach flu lol
Labor signs: nope
Symptomsback pain, leg cramps at night, tiny bladder. Nothing too bad
Belly button in or outStill in, but smaller everyday
Wedding rings on or off? On most of the time, My fingers are usually swollen by night and then back to normal the next morning. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Recently, Moody lol
Looking forward to:  Recovering fully from my 24-hour flu (my muscles ache from throwing up and getting fully re-hydrated) and getting all my shower gifts to my home in Idaho! My mom and our friend Arlene helped me ship them through UPS. So excited and grateful for these ladies!!

Week 31 Update

I skipped week 30...whoops. That's a big week, but I was busy cuddling the adorable Riley!! I was 31 weeks on March 6th. I am back tracking because I zero blogging while in California with my family! However I have pictures from my trip to share and a bump picture! Soon I will have pictures from Riley's baby blessing which was on March 2nd and my baby shower which was on March 8th!

The Bump at 31 weeks!

I took this picture like an hour before my baby shower on the 8th. It was so awesome and beautiful! My mom and Jessica did an amazing job!!! Thank you to them and everyone who came! I appreciate your love and support so much and so does our baby girl!!!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from my trip: 
Auntie M and Riley fall asleep together

Mallory falls asleep on my belly

Mallory is asleep in a lot of these pictures haha

Mom and Jess

Sam wanted to get in on the cuddling :)

Now here are some of my favorite pictures of Riley:

Riley sleeping on Grandma

Riley is 1 month old!!

Riley and Aunt Janelle meet for the first time! I would NOT share! 

Riley sleeps on my belly

Too cool

Love this kid's faces!!

As you can see, I am the proud aunt of a gorgeous child and I love her to pieces!!! I had an awesome trip to California and the only thing that brought me back to Idaho was Robbie. If he was with me, I don't think I would have gone back haha but seriously.....

Week 29 Update

That last month has been crazy! I have been doing all kinds of things and I have been very tired lol So here is my quick and easy update:

I was 29 weeks on February 20th.
These are all pictures from that week.

And Valentine's Day!

Overall great week! Getting very nervous and excited for my trip so see my niece Riley!! Robbie and I started our childbirth class this fun haha it actually was very helpful and has helped me not be so freaked out about labor.