Monday, May 5, 2014

Macy's Birth Story

She's here! Our beautiful baby girl, Macy, is here. Her arrival was somewhat unexpected. She surpirsed us, but it was definitely a pleasent surprise! Macy Katherine Bagley was born on Friday April 25, 2014 at 11:27pm weighing 6lbs 8oz and was 20 inches long. She is so perfect and we are so in love with her. 

I had my last doctors appointment Tuesday the 22nd. I was 3cm dialated and 75% effaced. My doctor said that I could go into labor at anytime, but I was not expecting that to actually happen. I was 38 weeks on Thursday the 24th (sorry for missing my last weekly update, to say things were crazy would be an understatement). 

Note: this birth story may include too much information, if you are in anyway squimish or really don't want to know about the workings or fluids of my lady parts you might want to skip the long story and revert to the short and sweet story.

Long Story:

Thurday and Friday I noticed a difference in vaginal discharge, at first I was worried and thought that I be leaking amniotic fluid. So i did a little research online and came to the conclusion that I was fine and it was just a change in cervical fluid. Later Friday afternoon I was alking on the phone with my mom and she got me thinking again. So I tried to call my doctor, but my doctor's office closes early on afridays, so then I called Labor and Delivery and spoke to the doctor on-call. The doctor told me it was impossible to tell if I was leaking fluid unless I came in to the hospital. I decided that I needed to go in. I called Robbie, we grabbed our bags, just in case because it's almost an hour drive from our house to the hospital, and headed to the hospital. Little did we know, we would actually need those bags. So we got to the hospital and I wasn't admitted, I was taken to the triage room where I was assesed. First i was hooked up to a fetal heart-rate monitor and a contraction monitior. The baby was doing great, no problems there and I wasn't having any contractions. The doctor came in and ran few tests and checked me all out. He told me that from what He could tell visually my bag of waters was still intact, He could see it bulging just below the baby's head which he could see with his own eyes! Crazy! Anyway, he took a sample of the fluid and told Robbie and I that He would look at it under a mircoscope to determine what the fluid was. The doctor explained it very well, but I conveniently to not remember a thing. Something to do with the the amniotic fluid cells looking differently than the cell of vaginal fluid or something like that. So Robbie and I were sitting in our little make shift room and we had just deciding that it was nothing and that we were going home, in fact we were talking about where we were going to go to dinner when the nurse came in and told us the test was positive. I had a tear in my amniotic sac and we were going to be admitted and moved to a labor and delivery room. we were completly shocked! 

So the two shocked completly freaking out parents-to-be were moved and the nurse started asking me all these questions and Robie started making phone calls to everyone. It was just so sudden and surreal, maybe it was because I didn't feel like I was in labor. Sure I was 4cm dialated & 75% effaced, but it just didn't feel real and I wasn't quite sure I was ready. So I sucked it up and Robbie and I started walking the halls to see if we could get labor started. The plan was to finish breaking my water and if labor didn't start after that, then they would start me on Pitocin. At 8 o'Clock the doctor came in and broke my water. In the hour since I was admitted I had dialated another cm bringing me up to a 5. So my water was broken and it felt like exactly how everyone always discribes it--like I was peeing myself, but you know what, it wasn't all that uncomfortable and it almost felt relieving, maybe I did pee myself haha After my water was broken painful contractions started almost immediatly. Before my water broken I had begun to have contractions, but I didn't feel them or at least they didn't feel like what I thought they should feel like. The contractions before my water broke were 5 minutes apart and after my water broken they were 2 minutes apart and started hurting. They progressed and my 9 or 10 o'clock  was dialated to a 7 and I was really tired. I hadn't slept well the night before and that was usually the time I went to bed anyway. I decided that I wanted an epidural. I was prepped and given the epidural, and lucky for me I was going through transition while the giant needle was being put in my back and I had to stay completly still. Now that is difficult! No one ever should have to sit completly still through tranistion contractions. That I think was the hardest part of the entire labor and delivery. Honestly, I probably could have done it whith the epidural since the medication didn't start working until I was dialated 9cm, but I needed the break, even if the break was only for an hour before I started pushing. I ended up having to have an episiotomy which I really wanted to avoid, but the doctor who delivery highly recommended that I have one and I was in a lot of pain and really ready to be done so I just told him to do whatever he thought was right. It was good that I had the epidural so I was already numbed for the episiotomy and didn't have to wait for a local anesthetic, but for those who have never had never had an epidural, you are still in a lot of pain even with an epidural. An epidural is not in anyway the "easy way" out of labor. It still hurts like nobody's business. You still feel it all, I would say it is just slightly dulled. I could feel every contraction, all the burning of crowning and a little snippy feeling with the episiotomy, and every stitch. Sure, I would have felt a lot more without my epidural, but I am happy I got it and I have no regrets. So I started practice pushing (don't ask me the difference between practice pushing and real pushing because I literally did the exact same thing) at 11 o'clock and Macy was born at 11:27pm. She was perfect and we were instantly in love with her. All the doctors and nurses said she had the cutest cry they had ever heard. Robbie was great through the whole thing. Before labor asked him not to talk to me during my contractions and he said later that he was glad I had told him that early on. I just really didn't want to bite his head off, but I didn't I actually was really nice during labor (I think) except with the anesthesiologist was trying to make cit-chat while giving me the epidural I may have been rude by not talking back. It was just that everyone in the room was all cheery and laughing and I was hanging out in the bed in severe pain waiting for my drugs. Anyway, Robbie was great, he was encourging, but not too much and loving, but not too much haha. 

Short and Sweet story:
I went to the hospital to be checked because I thought I was leaking amniotic fluid, turns out I was. My water was broken at 8pm and Macy was delivered at 11:27pm. She was so perfect!

When they handed me my perfect little girl and she instantly stopped crying, I knew my life would never be the same. It amazed me that this little person had come out of me and that I had made her out of nothing. I have never felt closer to my husband and to my Father in Heaven who blessed us with this beautiful little girl and trusts us with such a precious little soul. It is still crazy that I am a mother and some days it just feels unreal, but I have this beautiful little girl and it is real! She amazes me every day with how perfect, beautiful, smart, and sweet she is. She makes the funniest faces and I've been trying to get pictures of them, but sometimes it is just more fun to enjoy them them run to get the camera to document them! My sweet little Macy was worth all the pain, the stretch marks, the back aches, the worries, the neasea and puking and every little thing I went through during this pregnancy. If I had to I would do it all over again just for her.   

Here are a few pictures of her from the hospital and from the last week and half!

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