Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall is falling away fast

Well, we mid-terms alive and we are both feeling pretty good!

I don't really know how Robbie's grades are, but they should be good for all the studying he does. My grades have changed a little bit, they've all shifted either up or down and I now have 4 A's and 2 B's. Those B's are going to become A's and I will have straight A's for the first time in quite awhile.

 I am really excited about my classes and things that are going on right now. In my English class we are writing a 6 page research paper (piece of cake!) on a controversy among our majors and I have chose to write on the role of religion in public schools. I have already started research and I am loving it! So interesting, I just love it! We are doing a lot of stuff in my education class, mostly just working on our personal philosophies and my teacher has given me some awesome compliments on my papers when I get them back so I am very happy about that! In my developing world class I am working on my third 4 page paper on Brazil. This one is about the diseases that are prevalent in the country. Robbie is helping me and I've been learning a lot about the country.  He even taught me some Portuguese, but I am having some problems with the pronunciation and the nasal thing. I just imagine my face looks ridiculous when I do it, but Robbie has been very patient and I appreciate that!  In my environmental stewardship class we are talking about water rights and debating if installing windmills in Rexburg would be a good idea. (How could it not?!) Tomorrow in my Foundations Capstone class (which is basically a class about decision making-i actually really like it) I am presenting my critical thought at the beginning of class on how to pick out and orange at the supermarket. Should be fun. We're actually transitioning in that class right now to a new, unknown  to me topic. Lastly, (if that six classes, hope i'm not leaving one out) in my New Testament class we are in Ephesians, which is wonderful. It has been awhile since I last read Ephesians (Seminary; Jr year) and this is a great refresher. I just love our class discussions. I learn so much about the Gospel and the Church and Heavenly Father every class period. It is amazing. I have a project coming up in that class as well, we present November 17th (best day ever!!) that should be fun. Anyway that's my awesome classes!!

This year Robbie and I didn't celebrate too much for Halloween, but, not to worry, we will next year. Robbie worked at the dairy and I went to Idaho Falls to buy his birthday presents and then I came back to help him around 8, when I was done. Robbie's birthday is Saturday and we are going to have a great day! (lucky doesn't have school ) We also forgot to put the candy out so we're probably going to take some the little kids next-door and then eat some too haha.

Robbie and I are trying to lose some weight and in the words of Robbie, "We won't see results anytime soon, but we are forming good habits which will pay off and we will see results in the long-run." He is such a positive person! Thank you, Robbie because I wouldn't have thought about it that way without your guidance.  So I am setting the goal of losing 20 pounds by May. That is 6 months, I can do it. That is about 3.5 pounds a month. Plus I am doing some other stuff, such as toning and weight lifting. I am doing everything I can. We aren't dieting, but we are eating the piggies anymore. We are cutting back on the sugar (no more sodas and only sugar-free juice) and one sweet a day. We do pretty well with balanced meals, lot of fish and fatty omega 3's!!

This weekend Robbie and I took a short trip to Chesterfield. We had a lot of fun. It was nice to relax and not think about homework. We left all of our school stuff at home. We also stopped at Costco went grocery shopping for the entire month of November and, of course, got samples. We also bought ourselves our Christmas present, a wii, and it will be highly cherished. Lots of wii date nights and fhe activities to come! We haven't played it too much, we still get our homework done, but I just love Mario Cart :)

Well....that's all that going on with us for now
Love, the Bagleys

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