I am VERY nervous about my grades, well just one. I have an 89% and I really just need the A- to get a 3.7 so I can get an academic scholarship! The rest of my classes are fine all A's except one, so bummed, I really wanted straight A's :( maybe next semester. I have three English classes next semester and I am particularly excited for my young adult literature class! I have 8 novels to read in 12 or 13 weeks, so that should be interesting, but I am going to do it because they all look like pretty good books and I am excited to do it. So here are the classes I am taking: Young Adult Literature 356, Foundations of Literary Interpretation 251, Language Theory- Grammar/ Usage 325, Family Foundations 200, and The American Epidemic 204 (Exercise science class). Little nervous about that last class. Robbie said my teacher is kind of a grump. Robbie took it last winter and said it was kind of hard, but he is going to help me so maybe and I survive! haha
Robbie says his grades are going pretty good, but he hasn't given me details yet. Final grades are due sometime next week, so we will know then. Next semester he is starting biology classes and is really excited about it. He is taking: Biology 180, Language 400 (for his Portuguese cluster), Chemistry 106 (continuation of what he just finished), Family Foundations 200 (we're in the same class!), and Foundations Capstone 250. Next semester should be a crazy one for us!
Today we took Lola to the Vet again. She got another booster shot and dewormer. The vet also noticed she has ear mites (yay!) so she was treated with that and they should all gone by the end of the week. She is 13 weeks old now and has more then doubled in weight! She weighs 3.3 pounds! She must eat well! Then Robbie and I went to buy our books, so expensive! But we were smart and bought out books before they pull books for the 200+ people who reserved them, so we got the cream of the crop :)
This Thursday we are leaving to go to California for Christmas, so excited!!! I can't believe how close Christmas is. Its crazy how time flies. I am so excited to see my friends and family, its been too long! Before we go we will get in a few full days at work so that will be nice.
Well, that's all for now! Love, Robbie and Janelle
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