Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week 20 update

Merry Christmas everyone!! Life has been good recently!! We are currently visiting my family in California and loving it! My belly is getting bigger everyday! I have got to see a lot of my sister who is about 35 weeks pregnant and she is also having a  girl! I love getting to feel her baby move around and kick! I'm so excited to meet her. My brother Sam was baptized two weeks ago and then last weekend my mom and I threw Jessica a baby shower and this weekend we went to her house at the coast for a baby shower her friend threw her, so things have been crazy, but really a lot of fun! As much as I love being here I am excited to go back to Rexburg in a few weeks. I've missed my friends and my bed haha Robbie is also excited to start his last semester of classes. He has some really fun classes and some hard classes, but he is ready for the challenge!!

How far along: 20 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: Up about 5 lbs
Stretch marks?  None yet
Sleep: somedays I sleep great others I wake up 12 times. It just depends.
Best moment this week: Finally recognizing what it feels like when the baby moves! She's been moving, I just realized it now haha it feel amazing!
Miss anything: nope, I finally got some fully cooked sushi and it was delish!
Movement: I have finally felt her move, and not a whole lot. It has really been cool. Robbie is super jealous that he can't feel it :)
Food cravings: I have basically just been wanting sweets and spicy foods!
Anything making you sick? Not really, things have been great!
Gender: girl!!! We're so excited!! 
Labor signs: none
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been super happy recently! Especially since I'm half way! Woo hoo! Only 20 weeks left and I'll have my little girl in my arms!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Gender Reveal!!


IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know it's hard to tell from the pictures, but it is in fact a girl! We are so so so excited for our little girl!! I alrerady went shopping and bought her some adorable outfits!! This is where the fun begins!! Picking out clothes, decorating the nursery, buying cute headbands and so much more!!

Here are some pictures from the ultrasound:

Week 18 Update

How far along:
18 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: Turns out my parents don't own a scale haha so I probably won't be tracking my weight for a while.
Stretch marks?  None yet
Sleep: I have not been sleeping well. Most nights I wake up 2 or 3 times because I'm uncomfortable or I get a leg cramp or to use the bathroom. 
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender and going shopping for the baby!!
Miss anything: nope, not really. I've actually really been enjoying my second trimester and I'm loving being pregnant right now!
Movement: I'm pretty sure I felt the baby move a couple of times!! Usually in the afternoon when I sit down because I'm tired. It doesn't feel like there is something in there though, it just feels like I'm nervous/upset stomach/gas. 
Food cravings: I'm not really craving anything special right now. Basically, I'm just hungry ALL. THE. TIME.
Anything making you sick? Coughing or brushing my teeth still makes me gag and occasionally toss my I did this week in the parking lot of Panera Bread after getting a seed of a lemon stuck in my throat...yeah that sucked. Also, anything that is kind of gross makes me sick to my stomach. Apparently, I'm wimpy now...
Gender: On the 2nd, I had an appointment at Peek-A-Baby in Fresno to see our little baby and my parents and brothers were able to come to my gender scan. It was so fun! The baby was being very shy, it had it's legs crossed and the umbilical cord between it's legs (notice how I'm not telling your the gender). Finally after lots of me moving and turn my hips we finally got the right view to see the baby's goods ;-) Watch for our announcement to come soon!
Labor signs: none
Symptoms: leg cramps, hungry all the time, some back pain that's about it.
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Since I saw my baby, I've been a lot happier and not so moody. I've just been really worried. I don't know if I've ever been this happy in my entire life. I just feel like right now everything is perfect! I am so blessed and I am so grateful!
Looking forward to: Our family and gender announcement pictures tomorrow! Sam's baptism tomorrow! Getting bigger and looking a little more pregnant.