Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week 20 update

Merry Christmas everyone!! Life has been good recently!! We are currently visiting my family in California and loving it! My belly is getting bigger everyday! I have got to see a lot of my sister who is about 35 weeks pregnant and she is also having a  girl! I love getting to feel her baby move around and kick! I'm so excited to meet her. My brother Sam was baptized two weeks ago and then last weekend my mom and I threw Jessica a baby shower and this weekend we went to her house at the coast for a baby shower her friend threw her, so things have been crazy, but really a lot of fun! As much as I love being here I am excited to go back to Rexburg in a few weeks. I've missed my friends and my bed haha Robbie is also excited to start his last semester of classes. He has some really fun classes and some hard classes, but he is ready for the challenge!!

How far along: 20 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: Up about 5 lbs
Stretch marks?  None yet
Sleep: somedays I sleep great others I wake up 12 times. It just depends.
Best moment this week: Finally recognizing what it feels like when the baby moves! She's been moving, I just realized it now haha it feel amazing!
Miss anything: nope, I finally got some fully cooked sushi and it was delish!
Movement: I have finally felt her move, and not a whole lot. It has really been cool. Robbie is super jealous that he can't feel it :)
Food cravings: I have basically just been wanting sweets and spicy foods!
Anything making you sick? Not really, things have been great!
Gender: girl!!! We're so excited!! 
Labor signs: none
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been super happy recently! Especially since I'm half way! Woo hoo! Only 20 weeks left and I'll have my little girl in my arms!

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