Sunday, December 18, 2011

The end and the beginning!!

It has been way to long since my last post! Sorry! Things have just been so crazy, I haven't had a lot of time to even think what has been going on, but school is over now!! We made it through finals!!

 I am VERY nervous about my grades, well just one. I have an 89% and I really just need the A- to get a 3.7 so I can get an academic scholarship! The rest of my classes are fine all A's except one, so bummed, I really wanted straight A's :( maybe next semester. I have three English classes next semester and I am particularly excited for my young adult literature class! I have 8 novels to read in 12 or 13 weeks, so that should be interesting, but I am going to do it because they all look like pretty good books and I am excited to do it. So here are the classes I am taking: Young Adult Literature 356, Foundations of Literary Interpretation 251, Language Theory- Grammar/ Usage 325, Family Foundations 200, and The American Epidemic 204 (Exercise science class). Little nervous about that last class. Robbie said my teacher is kind of a grump. Robbie took it last winter and said it was kind of hard, but he is going to help me so maybe and I survive! haha

Robbie says his grades are going pretty good, but he hasn't given me details yet. Final grades are due sometime next week, so we will know then. Next semester he is starting biology classes and is really excited about it. He is taking: Biology 180, Language 400 (for his Portuguese cluster), Chemistry 106 (continuation of what he just finished), Family Foundations 200 (we're in the same class!), and Foundations Capstone 250. Next semester should be a crazy one for us!

Today we took Lola to the Vet again. She got another booster shot and dewormer. The vet also noticed she has ear mites (yay!) so she was treated with that and they should all gone by the end of the week. She is 13 weeks old now and has more then doubled in weight! She weighs 3.3 pounds! She must eat well! Then Robbie and I went to buy our books, so expensive! But we were smart and bought out books before they pull books for the 200+ people who reserved them, so we got the cream of the crop :)

This Thursday we are leaving to go to California for Christmas, so excited!!! I can't believe how close Christmas is. Its crazy how time flies. I am so excited to see my friends and family, its been too long! Before we go we will get in a few full days at work so that will be nice.

Well, that's all for now! Love, Robbie and Janelle

Monday, November 14, 2011

New and Exciting Times!!

I know it has been quite a while since my last post, two week to be exact, so I thought I would give a quick update on our lives.

This week is going to be crazy. Robbie and I both have a ton of stuff to do. Robbie turned his big research paper in on Saturday, and mine is due Wednesday with the final on Friday. Once I get that paper done I will start to feel better, but my online class are not taking a break for Thanksgiving, So i am going to have to avoid all procrastination and work my tail off if I want to relax next week. Robbie I think is having the same problem. He has a lot of chemistry work and it just takes a lot of time. He has been pretty stressed out and I know he is looking forward to next week, we both are! I'm just excited it ditch the coats and relax in 70 degree weather! Woo hoo!

Exciting news!  Last week Robbie found these stray kittens at the dairy and Talon said that he was going to just  see if they could survive, and Robbie, being the animal lover that he is, couldn't let them stay outside and freeze so he brought them home. Saturday we decided to take one to the animal shelter for many reasons, but we also decided to keep the little girl! Her name is Lola, she is eight weeks old and the most adorable thing in the world!! We took her to the vet and started her shots, got her de-wormed and she had a check up. She is very healthy and weighs a whole 1.5 pounds! Then we took her to PetSmart and got her a bed, a collar, a scratching post and toys, and food. She is a spoiled little baby, but oh so cute!! She is white with grey ears a grey tail, little raccoon eyes, and bight blue eyes that I swear look into your soul! I will post some pictures later, but we are so excited to have her as a member of our family! So precious. Good practice for a baby. hahaha

Well that's all that is new with us, just trying to stay warm :)

Love you all, the Bagleys

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall is falling away fast

Well, we mid-terms alive and we are both feeling pretty good!

I don't really know how Robbie's grades are, but they should be good for all the studying he does. My grades have changed a little bit, they've all shifted either up or down and I now have 4 A's and 2 B's. Those B's are going to become A's and I will have straight A's for the first time in quite awhile.

 I am really excited about my classes and things that are going on right now. In my English class we are writing a 6 page research paper (piece of cake!) on a controversy among our majors and I have chose to write on the role of religion in public schools. I have already started research and I am loving it! So interesting, I just love it! We are doing a lot of stuff in my education class, mostly just working on our personal philosophies and my teacher has given me some awesome compliments on my papers when I get them back so I am very happy about that! In my developing world class I am working on my third 4 page paper on Brazil. This one is about the diseases that are prevalent in the country. Robbie is helping me and I've been learning a lot about the country.  He even taught me some Portuguese, but I am having some problems with the pronunciation and the nasal thing. I just imagine my face looks ridiculous when I do it, but Robbie has been very patient and I appreciate that!  In my environmental stewardship class we are talking about water rights and debating if installing windmills in Rexburg would be a good idea. (How could it not?!) Tomorrow in my Foundations Capstone class (which is basically a class about decision making-i actually really like it) I am presenting my critical thought at the beginning of class on how to pick out and orange at the supermarket. Should be fun. We're actually transitioning in that class right now to a new, unknown  to me topic. Lastly, (if that six classes, hope i'm not leaving one out) in my New Testament class we are in Ephesians, which is wonderful. It has been awhile since I last read Ephesians (Seminary; Jr year) and this is a great refresher. I just love our class discussions. I learn so much about the Gospel and the Church and Heavenly Father every class period. It is amazing. I have a project coming up in that class as well, we present November 17th (best day ever!!) that should be fun. Anyway that's my awesome classes!!

This year Robbie and I didn't celebrate too much for Halloween, but, not to worry, we will next year. Robbie worked at the dairy and I went to Idaho Falls to buy his birthday presents and then I came back to help him around 8, when I was done. Robbie's birthday is Saturday and we are going to have a great day! (lucky doesn't have school ) We also forgot to put the candy out so we're probably going to take some the little kids next-door and then eat some too haha.

Robbie and I are trying to lose some weight and in the words of Robbie, "We won't see results anytime soon, but we are forming good habits which will pay off and we will see results in the long-run." He is such a positive person! Thank you, Robbie because I wouldn't have thought about it that way without your guidance.  So I am setting the goal of losing 20 pounds by May. That is 6 months, I can do it. That is about 3.5 pounds a month. Plus I am doing some other stuff, such as toning and weight lifting. I am doing everything I can. We aren't dieting, but we are eating the piggies anymore. We are cutting back on the sugar (no more sodas and only sugar-free juice) and one sweet a day. We do pretty well with balanced meals, lot of fish and fatty omega 3's!!

This weekend Robbie and I took a short trip to Chesterfield. We had a lot of fun. It was nice to relax and not think about homework. We left all of our school stuff at home. We also stopped at Costco went grocery shopping for the entire month of November and, of course, got samples. We also bought ourselves our Christmas present, a wii, and it will be highly cherished. Lots of wii date nights and fhe activities to come! We haven't played it too much, we still get our homework done, but I just love Mario Cart :)

Well....that's all that going on with us for now
Love, the Bagleys

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I know why they schedule Stake Conference around Mid-terms :)

Well here comes a stressful week! Midterms...ugh.While every class gives me as much work as it possibly can and Robbie is stuck studying all week for his Chemistry and BioStats tests the world moves on. I cannot believe we are already 7 weeks into our semester! I am really not looking forward to this week, but I am looking forward to November! My birthday, Robbie's birthday and Thanksgiving! Sounds like an excited month to me :)

So today we had our Stake Conference and it was fantastic, wonderful talks. Also, our stake president is the head of the education department, kinda funny. In the adult conference he had an awesome talk about the differences between his accomplishments and his wife's. He talked about how we should never been ashamed of staying home with our children and we should never be ashamed if we do not choose that route or cannot. It was a great talk that has stuck with me. This morning there were a few talks on the Temple and Robbie and I have made a goal to attend the Temple once a week together. We are so blessed to live so close to a Temple and we should take advantage of it now, because we never know where we could end up. Another person spoke on being converted and he reminded me of my dad, not because he looked like him, but in the personal story he told of his conversion to the Church. It was definitely different than dad's, but it still reminded me of him. He spoke about when he got to take his small family to the Temple. So sweet. I sure do love my dad :)

 Robbie went home teaching today and Packers won again making them the only team in the league still undefeated at 7-0. Fun fact: Packers have not been 7-0 in a season  in approximately 40 years.

So Robbie was sick last week and the week before (even though I still have the sniffles :( lame) I was sick from about Thursday to Wednesday of last week, but I am starting to feel better, Robbie's been taking pretty good care of me. Then, Robbie was sick Tuesday and Wednesday of last week as well. Poor guy!

Anyway we can't wait for the next week to fly by so we can start enjoying November! A week for Tuesday and I am home-free. If I can make it to November the semester is practically over and I just relax. haha well that's all for now....The Bagleys

Wedding Pictures! -for those of you who haven't seen them :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

New Beginning

Hey! I am so excited to start blogging! I have been inspired by Jessica to start one. I read her blog and  decided to do one too! I realized that Robbie and I don't give very good details of our lives to our families and friends and since we live so far from them that this would be the perfect way to share our crazy lives with everybody!

So school started again about a month ago, I'm taking 13 credits and Robbie's taking14. Robbie is working so hard in his classes, especially chemistry, and it's paying off! He is doing great! I'm taking my first education class and it is so neat. It is history and philosophy of education. It's so interesting, our teacher really makes us think. Especially about the kind of teacher we want to be and our philosophy as teachers. The hard part is when he asks us to give specific details on how we are going to make that happen. I am excited to be a teacher and very scared at the same time. Anyway, the rest of my classes are going great, I've been studying a lot harder than I used to and my grades are fantastic! I am almost done with all my foundations (general) classes. After this semester I will have one science class left. It is so exciting!

We moved about a month ago now, and we are absolutely loving our new place. It's bigger, and beautiful! We had a lot of fun decorating and settling in. We have our own washer/dryer which is great plus the kitchen it huge! I recently bought a few decorations for the house for Halloween/fall. I just love this place and the way we have decorated it! Our new ward is great, we're starting to get to know couples. Everyone seems really nice.

So Robbie still is working at the dairy and is now working on campus as well. He is only working 10 hrs a wk at the dairy now and then works 15 a wk on campus, so he isn't killing himself with work. He still has time to focus on school. Starting in November he will only work 5 hours a week at the dairy. It is nice to have the evenings to study. I'm still working on campus at the Locks and Keys office and I'm finally getting a full 20 hrs a week which is nice. I love my job, I would say the best job I could possibly ask for.

Well, that's all for now. Love you all, The Bagleys.