Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Week 23 update

These pictures were taken January 1st 2014 on the Pismo Beach Pier 

How far along: 23 weeks 
Total weight gain: according to my doctors appt on Tuesday I am up 16 lbs which apparently is normal, but that sounds like a lot to me. Also this wasn't all in the last 2 weeks. I haven't really been weighing myself in the last month or two very accurately . 
Stretch marks?  Robbie says I have one on the lower part of my belly, but I can't see it, so I am currently in denial. 
Sleep: Sleep is great! 
Best moment this week: Robbie got to feel the baby move! It was really neat for both of us! We also finally had our anatomy ultrasound where they look at all the baby parts and measure her. It was about 45 minutes long and really really cool! I just wish it was May and I could hold her already! She looked so cute haha Also it was confirmed that she is in fact a girl. That's twice now so we're pretty sure she is a girl haha
Miss anything: This week I'm just missing my family. It's great to be home, but it was great to get to spend a month in Phoenix and a month in Exeter with our families and I miss them already!
Movement: She has been moving like crazy!! At my ultrasound I found out I have an anterior placenta which, for those of you who have never heard of that before, is where the placenta is on the top of my uterus. So it goes in order my belly, uterus, placenta, then baby. All this means is that when you have an anterior placenta you usually don't feel the baby move for the first time until later. This makes sense because I didn't feel her start to move until around 20 weeks. I have been pretty nervous about it because so many other expected mothers had told me that had felt their baby move as early as 16 weeks which was a whole month before I felt mine move! I', just glad everything is alright and I feel her move pretty much all day now.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular, I just love and want all food constantly. Hence the good weight gain haha
Anything making you sick? Just gross things like the lent from the dryer and mopping the floor. Stuff the doesn't really gross other people out or wouldn't normally gross me out seem exponentially gross these days. Plus brushing my teeth and tongue like always.  
Gender:  Still a girl in there!! 
Labor signs: none
Belly button in or out? In, but getting smaller everyday.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! I've been super happy! Once in awhile I'll be moody, but what's new? haha I've always been moody, just ask Robbie haha

Check out these pictures of our little girl from Tuesday!

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